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Sunday, April 26, 2009
My worst enemy is My-Ownself

There's Limit,wake up Teenagers!

Wanita zaman sekarang,
Suka pakai baju ketat
suka pula menunjukkan pusat
Hingga tidak pedulikan lagi batasan aurat
Pakai pula yang tersendat-sendat
Kadang-kadang sampai nampak yang tersirat
tidak kira bujur atau bulat,
Sesiape lihat pasti tercegat.
Silap gaye jadi gawat
Bohsia bohjan lagi dasyat
Duduk jauh berkirim-Surat,
Berjumpa tangan berjabat.
Kemudian,pakat lawan peluk erat-erat.
Lalu,Nafsu naik tersekat-sekat
Perut kempis menjadi Bulat
Lahir anak yang tidak cukup sifat

Dunia masa kini makin singkat
Bila-bila akan berangkat
Sambung balasan di negara-Akhirat

Sendiri Mahu ingat!
Seumur hidup cukup Ibadat?
Bermanfaat pangkat(fame) ?
Jauhi maksiat.

Friday, April 24, 2009
Endless Joy

Sue Xcatic (K) says:
Wan! I miss you sia! idky but yeh . haha ;D

This girl never fail to cheer me up.
She's been a great girl since we first known each other ,almost 2 years?

'Hip-Happening Life,It's wonderful. '

And Polymates!Great people,Gerek kaki's! Hectic week yo...
Great bonds! Dudes & dudettes ,Awesome Plans to come! ^-^

Megat & Black called me wansky 0_o
geng,panas jeh kuali gua.
Bob always have the time during my free-hours. =]

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Keep the Feelings.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Swallow pill before falling sick

In times of need,
You need me as your listening ear.
but now, I'm fading away from your memories.

When I'm Gone.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009
How It Was Supposed to be.

Frankly,I do miss you.

But I know i can't keep giving in.Trust me,I do Care for you... Let time decide now,I'll just go with the Flow.

And I only Dress-Up,If you appreciate me for what I Am.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I'm all fine

Things doesn't turn out well than expected.For mizahs' sake,keep it cool. Enjoy yourself dudette! ^-^

As for you,I'm going with the Flow.But seems that you're more with the other clans.Good you're enjoying with new friends. Trust me,you don't need me. I'll keep my distance away for you have someone who loves you more.I know how it feels as a guy deeply in love with 'her' ,And there's third party involve,eventhough a close-friend.

Have fun all!


Sunday, March 22, 2009
Boys next tent


Went to East-Coast with Helmi & his crewmates. It's damn happening dope! Basically it was all unplanned,and i came late due to other stuff in the evening.They fetched me somewhere around Mcdonald.Had our supper.We were as hungry as fatboy craving for kinder bueno chocolates,topped with vanilla cream .Okay I'm done exeggerating -_-

Okay the Happening part!!! We were being some waste-kids making nuisance-noises.I felt ashamed for them,but it turn out cool ^^ Frankly these young lady in black caught the guys attention.Godaymnit! HAH! Anyway Fyzie & I walked out,feeling alil curious .We turned to face this lady.The moment we turn-ED, a strong breeze passby. Helmi was rather tired and chilled outside while waiting for me & Fyzie. Ah!!! She gave a smile,Fyzie began swaying around.I got swayed too =D Gosh,Natural beauty uh! WE GO,GUGU GAGA! supxsz supxsz Fyzie... Our lil dark-secret,ho ho^^

Pooled till almost 3 am,and headed back to our tent for another hip happening singing session.Hahah! Hilarious,indeed. We were all Hyped!!!!!!! Reached home almost 10am & went for religious lesson at 12.And i'm all tired now


Saturday, March 14, 2009
My Bonds

Nothing much today.

Went to khatib in the afternoon,followed by syarahan which was located at Eunos.I need some peace alone.Frankly,i admire uztaza Siti Nor Bayah & uztaz Aqasha(Wife & Husband). Anyway the topic was about 'ikhlas'. In anything you do,do it sincerely. I've realised i still have more to learn.

Kita bukan hidup hanya untuk sekarang di dunia sahaja..Teenagers,Don't live just to enjoy,get it?

Letting it ALL-OUT*
My Besties & Close ones ,Thanks for being there.You guys know who you are (:

Adi,the one that entertain my Night till 5Am. You brighten up my live Bro,eventhought you're kinda irritating :D
Same goes to Abu,hope you're doing all fine.

Hidayah,sorry i didn't reply your text.My batt dehydrated.Anyway thanks for being there for me.Especially during Our exam period,you're there to really make sure i've studied much before i took my repeat module paper.Appreciated ^^ such a nice young lady.

& Sheeming too! you're sucha nice lil-fella.You gave me courage ,and i do appreciate it. (you know i know)* =D

As for Suhaiza, you've been there ever since we've first met on friendster...And always been! You just don't bore-my-Night uh =)

I can't live like this forever~

Friday, March 13, 2009
A feeling indescribable to me

The emptiness in me is growing
But so little left to fill
Wish i told 'her' how i feel,
Maybe she'd be here right now,but instead
I pretend that i'm glad you found your guy?
These four walls closing more every day
And I'm dying inside
Nobody knows it but me
Why didn't i say the thing i needed to say
How could i let my angel get away
My world is just tumbling down
The nights are so lonely
The days are so sad
Lie awake,its a quarter past three
Screaming at night if i thought you'd hear me
How blue can i get?
You could ask my heart,But like a jigsaw puzzle
Its been torn all apart
Words couldn't say just how i feel
A million years from now,You know i'll be loving you,still.
I dont wanna go nowhere and meet somebody new
I'd rather spend my time with just missing you

I'm missing you,let-nobody knows it but me


Cannot afford

Though you are in your shining days,
Voices among the crowd
And new friends busy with your praise,
Be not unkind or proud,
But think about old friends the most:
Times, bitter flood will rise,
Your beauty perish and be lost
for all eyes but these eyes,

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Intro Not Needed!

Get this straight...If a 'Guy' knows how to impress girl's' easily,he would take 'advantage'...Even if this guy is attached ,I wouldn't be surprised other girls could be hooked too.Anytime by his sweet-Words(sweet talker mother fucker!)

Who's At lost? The Girlfriend* I don't give a daymn to these sweet talkers.Suckballs! Be aware..I may not be a romantic guy,atleast i have Pride.Know the Limits.A guy having girl as bestfriend?Hahah! Guys with other motive uh...okay ,I may not have Sweet words to impress a girl whom i Love.Nvmind it.Cmon!! Stand up Firm,Wake Up.



Saturday, January 24, 2009

You don't deserve My Concern

Being Open-Minded?there's a Limit to it...
Being Out-Going? LIMIT!

Might as well,Spoil your Life.That's called Outgoing,Open-minded.
Awesome Alright



Friday, November 28, 2008

Don't take too long to say
"I love you" to the ones you love,
cause time has a habit of slipping away
Out on a clear blue sky,
when lighting strikes on a sunny day,
just take me in and keep me from the rain,

And the words that seem so hard to say,
come out when you've gone away,
stay a little while and hear me say,
That I want you here tonight, and I need you by my side,
for just one more moment,
for just one more moment,
with you
Turn around to say goodbye,
with each and every word that passes by,
like a distant memory,
and time keeps slipping away,
and time will turn to grey,
and time will be the one who holds you down,

And the words that seem so hard to say,
come out when you've gone away,
stay a little while and hear me say,
That I want you here tonight,
and I need you by my side,
for just one more moment,
for just one more moment,

And I want you by my side,
and I need you here tonight,
for just one more moment,f
or just one more moment,
with you

Sometimes time will treat you bad,
Before you even know what's wrong,
and in the end it hits you hard,
please tell me you'll be strong


Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Before I met You

Heyy Jubs! Its been awhile aye since i last blogg-ed..Welcome back faggs!! Anyway i was told to do a survey(how saddist)..I was supposed to do the survey 4 days back but didn't have the fucking time..fuckfuckfuck! K done.

1.The person who tag you is?Suee!

2.Your relationship with him/her? Close-friend?

3.Your 5 impressions of him/her?She’s irritating yknow, bubbly,' Sweet', Funny Entertainer( ^^ ) and cheerful.

4.The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?Entertain-ed My most boring-Night( how nice of her)

5.The most memorable thing he/she had said to you? Hair?Awwwwww

6.If he/she is going to be your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be? Obviously Nothing ouhk! Perfect-enough =]

7. If she/he become your enemy, you will? At most ignore(please?) Nooo!

8. (Repeat Question)Shuddup lah stupid question, nabs nabs cibs uhs!

9. What is it you want to tell her now?But i've told her...(Don't have to know)

10. Your overall impression of him/her is?Sweet-nice young lady XD

11. How do you think ppl around you will feel around you? Up to them.

12. The characters you love of yourself are?Woohoo My 'Meh sini Meh' !!!

13. On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are?Shyness in meh!??? =0

14. The most ideal person you want to be is?Mr J. -My daddy!

15. For people that care and like you, say something to them.You guys rock my Humid socks! cept Bestffriends, Bare with me yeah ^^

16.Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you

1- Abu Zarrin
2- Min
3- Dimaz
4- Hilmy
5- Hafiz
6- Adi
7- Suee
8- Zim
10- Mun

19. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?HAHAHAHA..You guys don'wanna know.

20. What is no. 2 studying about?Don't ask.He's a Slacker.Lols

21. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?Yest fags!

22. What kind of music band does no. 8 like?Any acoustics! Classical 80's? Lols

23.What is no. 10 doing now?Coach-ing!?!!! Nyahahah if only you guys get meh,cibs.

24. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world? Wooooooo! Sexy in Every-way XP

25. Does no. 1 have any pets?He's a Eligic sick kid.do understand aye

26. Are no. 1 and 5 best friends?No links yaw

27. What colour does no. 4 like? I don't Bother.sorry bro..Nyahaha!

28. Where does no. 9 live?Woodland.

29. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8?Uhm, Mak engkau itam..

30. Talk about something for no. 1 He’s my Bro for life.

31. Where is no. 2 studying at?My best-mates,Nyp.

32. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?HAHAHAH! Hafiz would laugh i tell you-guys now.k no!

33. What is a hobby of no. 10?Coach-ing. Yet again you guys won't get meh.(inside joke)

34. What is the surname of no. 5?Abdul Salleh. If i'm not wrong

35. Is no. 4 single?Duh,recently Heartbroken.Chill aite Bboy-er

36. Will you woo no. 3?He's a big time suckballsxszx.so naw.Lols!

37. How about 7? Awwwwwwh! Don't have to know

38. Does no. 6 have any siblings?Yup.Alot..


Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Girls make Boys cry?

Its been awhile since I last update my Blog.Ouhk its 11.38 in the morning! And two hours of tutorial?Pain in the Arse!! Programming-Big time suckballs,Severe headache* Did some Surveys-From suee's blog =) Uhm,it freaks me Out ah ahhhhhhhhh.Ok done.Happy schooling peeps!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Countless people saying-ed I've changed.Even cousins do notice. I have no idea of whut has happen to me.ARGH! No one will understand,i guess...Just foolish me huhh...

'As time goes by, you will meet the one. trust me.' The motivation given from Besties & cousins.Fuck those biatch aye!

Friday, October 10, 2008

HELLO KIDS :DDD Im gaay! Officially! Im so glad, that after two and a half years of being single, I am officially (again) attached to to the most beloved guy Ive ever met! His name shall not be published here, cos I guess you guys will just freakin critisuze him. But whatever! Hahah, okay I am kidding, wth am i typing? Ok i think im drunk and I think im not thinking right, shit, im thinking left! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! damnmit! Im sueeeeeee here actuaaally ^^V Just filling it in for Wan.

I told him a story one day about his imaginations. And he totally liked it! Its about this girl he's liked for 1 year, three months and still counting..hahaha. He actually counted how long o.O HHAHA, K,moving on, his dream was that he and this girl, taking a walk to the beach to catch the sunset. And like, aiyah, yknow that kinda thing that couples do. Like jyeah! He really likes her but he's not telling me her name so its kinda annoying!!! Hahahah. I told him reallly nice stuff that he keeps on dreaming about it non stop. Even when he's peeing or shitting in the toilet. I swear, its THAT bad. HAHAHAH k he's gonna kill me for typing freaking crap in his blog. Alrighty, I think Ive typed too much. And the content is so tak perlu and dont make sense.


Monday, September 29, 2008
Live like we're alive

Basically Hari Raya coming.so, went to 'pasar' as early as 7 in the morning .i was having difficulties of getting off from bed.daymnnit yaw! settled kitchen-stuff.hoho,Mummy's gonna cook her special dishes,soon!Gebu lah gueh* then.Abu came my house as early as 9? Alermak another disturbance siaaa. X( slackslackslack till senget ah! Went to geylang to buy his' Baju raya.ho ho Maroon sia.Ehem. Abu kel's was kinda shy so i went & requested for discount. from 69bucks ,was given 45bucks. Amazing aye ^^ Better thank me bro.a demand for that...thenthen.fetch hidayah G from her workplace & had our break-fast at zam-zam.soon after,her friends join-ed us.Murtabak Daging? for no reason, i don't feel extreme-hungry..Uhm before heading to Nabins for sheesha,shopped for the girls shoes for upcoming raya.

aiya. Hidayah's slipper was kinda slippery.All i had to do was grabbed her arms to support..Normally this kinda situation boys would take advantage to hold girls hand.To me,i only care-ed for her safetyness.nvmind.Ouhk back to the sheesha,the bananaaaaaaa flavours was extreme Yuckness,eventhough under recommendation aye.bowdow ppl just wanna clear stock only...ah! actually next to tasteless ,sort of.Order another one,grape yaw.slightly better uhs.yet not as nice as Amirah's grill ! We were crapping stuffs ,everyones Awesome! ^^ Nana's treat yaw! thanks dudette ! here are some pictures yea
The Kel-kia i told you about ,Abu ^^Abu,the drama-kel.obviously

thats is all for today.daymn daymn daymn tired already.goodnight all*


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Uhm,early morning,Spring clean-ed & dismantle lil sis bed to a queen-size bed...i did it Alone!!cos mummy busy settle-ing her kitchen-stuff .Aye!took me 2 hours ouhk.gahh . .Next,change-ed curtain,Mine & lil-sis room.Uhm,Thirsty laaa =X Uhm brother,iman maintain aye.

Theres this quote,'Never say die' After done spring cleaning,Went to Khatib gym..Nah,just guide my friends there.The thing is,I can only guide if they really wanna help themselve.Its 'you' yourself ! You wanna know whos your greatest enemy,uh uh? its YOU daymnnit! i came across people 'jabber' about work-ing out sort of.. But shows no discipline.Bowdow! I've told sum of my friends who needed help ,But if you guys wanna work out for only a couple of months.Don't waste my time,don't waste your bloody time ! I rather guide others who needs it more. Stupid jabber!!tell you what,don't talk much aye.

Recommended 'someone' to my friends saloon @ somerset..before that,fetch hidayah from her workplace.Reach super early ,just don't wanna be late^^ follow-ed by getting her hair dye-ed .. How awesome my friend is,gave her the best price..its between we Three only yea!!During the process of dying,took pictures! BUT ah, soon i found out.Its been deleted.Uhm,thanks eh.worthless effort.haha! she's kinda afraid i would post it HERE..but its ouhk,i'm cool...Both of us had late Break-fast around 9?.Just simple light food for meanwhile.

then.Met Syu ,a friend of hidayah yea. reach-ed Bugis ,met Abu,Yan & Isk ..Uhm,they waited for us almost two hours?? Awwwwh! sorry ,but i told you guys to meet us @ Haji lane.Serve YOU right,wohooo.. Ouhk,on-the-way to haji lane,Chico & Jo arrived..Went to El-Sheikh!! A'ah some of them ,underage??tralalaa.Ouhk lah the youngest is that Ang-moh age sixteen?Eh but i tell you,Her voice sound soothing sia.K no! tidakk! lol .Uhm,i get you guys.Bfore that Abu called me.*Wan- dude hows that Angmoh? *Abu-Uhm,Bawa jangkaan uhs !!add up,Syu was smiling away..ahahaha! prangai dog eh semua !Ah Meh !! Ouhk here are some pictures yeah
Ouhk sheeshaed.Me & hidayah camwhored!!cos we promised the next time we meet ,will take pictures jyeah..so much for the'stand',nvr use mayyn!..& this dare-ed Game!! Unfortunately that unlucky two dudes have to dance.Whut!!?Battle?? Jo VS Yan aye.Both break dance well siaa..Lucky enough both were chosen & were told to do something they know..Uhm, time passes daymn fast i tell you! soon we realise-ed its almost 12 midnight~ 12 Midnight?Say whutt!! Bonding-kiss* Abu's Birthday ah.The sweet 18th Kel-kia ! ^^ I don't need to wish laa.lol! He's awesome & we had great times!Only you'll realise my give for you,besty.. He's been a great friend & always.OUHK! Urghhh slenger miss-ed the last train ah!

Other alternative way,took Bus to Ang Mo Kio.We took the last bus,supxzsxzs! the girls sat behind .Me & abu had a conversation.woooo! alotstuff aye.He made me realise about that someone.hoho! secrets between us bro.. Anyway, From there we cabbed to woodlands! Again,thanks bro.Soon as i reached under my block,two bunch of slenger maseh lepak ?Khutbah malam or whut =X Eh! its already 1plus in the morning and you guys still lepak..Eh balek laa,mak bising nti.mak da risau..somehow i myself chill awhile with Nash & hamka,the two matreps! I'm not(ego)..ahahah. Nash went Sheesha-ed too,daymnit bro!didn't tell me siaaa.but i was too tired ,left early.. Was kinda worried, the girls safetyness ouhk..But alright. Hidayah text-ed me that she reached home alrdy.same goes to Syu...Had fun time with you guys! And 'you' ^^v


Sunday, September 21, 2008
Brighten up

Didn't sleep the whole night.Ouhk,here it goes.the siblings got hungry! My lil-sis woke me up from my comfy bed(aching-back ouhk) 'Bang,I'm Hungrayy! cook instant noodle laa.' 1am Ouhk! We cook-ed 2 Koka Mee goreng & a satay flavoured noodle.Wohoo

Kinda boncet,then receive unexpected Fs comment from nash.From there we began chatting thru msn yo.A nice girl,indeed.. Better be proud aye ^^ Abu was kinda irritating but entertaining.haha! foolish besty of mine anyway. Uhm,thought of spending my night On the phone with suee .Somehow she was kinda feeling a spinning.added, was busy i guess.so jyeah ! Songs & friends entertain-ed my lonelynight,thanks guys! Unexpectedly uhs, she texted asking if i'm still awake. Awwwwh, touch-ed ?haha.text-text-text. decided to talk ,But buggerhomephone not making me happy uhs. Suee was kind enough to call-ed me..(not on purpose aye) I expect her to take enough rest,urghh.On the other hand.. Ouhk talk-ed,entertain each other boredness-night,lol. A Hard-knock & stared from daddy?!! Its was already 3 in the morning..Arrhhh! I promised dad that we going morning prayers for the last 10days of ramadhan.the night ,Lailatukhadar' I'm sorreh dudette...without hesitation,got changed & went out . Reached Darul-makmur But smbhyg tahajut-not-being held there..Therefore went to sembawang Assyafaah mosque.Keep me wonder why Oldmates text-ed me,And a few others called me.Just that i was busy during that early morning.After done with prayers,saw a bunch of my oldclassmates there.I get it! they wanted me to go for early prayer..sorry guys! But atleast met there yea. I only get to sleep ,6 in the morning!

2pm!! Urgh,had a quick change-ed.Went for religious class..parents went Jb ,left me alone.Ouhk then halfway kinda mundane.Me & buntal cabuted.Met Abu near his home-estate.slack there.slackslackslack! time past Fast laa.was then 5 in the afternn..Ahead to nenek's house. Here's few pictures ..I love the 'pulut' & 'kuah seraseh durian' ..Wohooo! heaven by my side? tralalaa...

This two lil-rascal is uncontrollable i tell you.ho ho!Yet,they're my Favourite-toy,i treat them as my own lil brother & sister..

Soon after,went for tarawih..

Ouhk! on-the-way home from sembawang,there's this younglady ah.she's kinda cute,perhaps around 19yrs old? My six-sense 'telling me' she's been keeping eye on meh! Ignored,But ! dropp-ed at woodlands station.As usual walk-ed home.Uhm,she was all-the-way behind me siaa.got freak-me-out bowdow! She is cute,buy why to the extend liddat.she did once ,tried to approach me after a long-glance aye.Fast walk,took lift up.haha! she didn't dare to go in,slenger or whut..wait ah downthere! Skali jelmaan aye? +_*`

Fill-ed my day

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Friday, September 19, 2008
Pure Luck

Urghh! plan spoilt,thanks buddy. Anyway Me & Abu decided to chill at Tampines Mall. Last minute plan,yet Joseph ,Keith & Rush followed us there.Pathetic 168 long queue sia.Wth! Ouhk ,slept in the bus for almost half-an-hour.A sudden jerk from Abu,"Wan, wanna bring nash along for buka?" It was all last minute plan!! Nash was supposed to meet her friends.somehow i dunno so join-ed us. once we reach Tamp mall,Sat at pizza-hut..I told them to decide while I got to handle mother nature.. Uhm,Whut the fcuk aye! when i came back,"wan you decide.Anything will do" Uh uh,wasted 5mins of food deliver-ed. I swear i chose whatever was in the first page menu.

Abu went to fetch Nash.. Daymn kel kia i tell you.take his own sweet time! Ouhk,was introduced' .Uhm at first thought,'is She really 14 ?' Alright Me & Rush was kinda shock ,didn't expect a 14 year old girl to look like 17?Perhaps 18.. But was cool.Anyway she reach-ed right before 'buka'..Pizza was kinda late but atleast had our-selves introduce-ed! Awesome aye ^^ Abu ,as ever cracking his Kel-kia stuff. The happening part , Rush took the pizza uhs,But somehow 'he' took 2 slice of pizza at one go. WE were laughing rolling on floor.ouhk no! haha! thinking that the another slice he wanted to offer to abu,But hell no siaa! Whut a friend ,dude.Awesome uhs! Gentleman-less can.slengebachenkia! expected 60,but 71 bucks? nvmind.the nearest resident corner,meant for elderly peeps. Phm mcm? Waited for Joseph & keith as they went home awhile to finish their daily homework call-ed reflection journal ?sort of.. haha! here it goes,Rush was being laught-ed at,cos people have been saying "You fag laa,not interested in girls" & Keith added up the spice uhs! said," You don't deserve f*ck girl laa.Uhm in fact you fuck guys.Eh no! You 'kana' f*ck 'by' guys!" wtf! Sorry bro..On the way to no-where,Nash invited Us to her friends party.. Rush(we crash the party uhs) lol! Chill uh punkrock. Ouhk from Tamp,took train to tanah merah ah.Coolshiat,terrace aye! Uhm, Cambodian mix-ed French .jyeah! No parents? wohoo! Roll ah,Roll! k bowdow ,no! We came early before the party started,we left! Who wanna send us home,uh uh??

Rush(boy ketat),Kye(cambodian),Nash(14),Akuwan....

Ho ho! saw that kiss ?Daymnit, Lucky Rush la sia!! hahah.. I was told that Rush's a noob? Eyh Joseph,Rush is a silent killer i tell you.. Better be jealous-ed .lol! Cos he didn't wanna follow us to the party due to friends meeting.We slack till 11plus. Uhm,afraid to miss the last train,I sprint-ed ,follow by Rush .Abu slenge,indeed..'tkm lari ah' ! hahah.If not from My action,we could have missed that last train. Pure-Luck ouhk! To be exact reached home 1am.

Overall was a great day. Goodnight


Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Little specs of overflowing light,warm up my morning little by little

On the other shore of sadness,
It is said that there's a smile.
When I arrived
But what am i waiting for?
The purpose is not to run away,
Its' to chase after dreams.
Though there isn't a sigh either,
Like a ship going against the current flow.
The place that shrowded in pain,
Is where
happiness awaits.

I am still searching,
Still waiting.
If you clench your fists too tight,
And wait for the morning light,
Willing to bare the physical pain,
Not the mental,get insane!
Reality is cruel,
Perhaps brutal?
That I don't even have the right to dream.
Trying to supress such feelings,
I've used up all my energy
Yet .......' Wo xiang ni


Monday, September 15, 2008

Another mundane-Monday.Didn't sleep the whole night..Got some CD's & watch-ed througout the lonely-night...Decided to text someone,but only for few mins when she got asleep back!thanks aye =X Ouhhk slept after 'sahur'.Uhm,woke up @ 2pm uhs..Eh,wheres the discipline ,uh uh??daymn! then boredom strikes* went to causeway with besty,hazim.Went 'Bazaar' after much tawaf around the mall,4times? gah! Need shop-for-shirt,soon! Ah,just for a pathetic chicken kebab cost 5bucks.'easy-make-money' aye & delicacy 'deng'deng' ,wohooo! Hellyeah.. On our way,we saw a few couples uhs.i know its romantic ,eh! fasting month aye..there goes the wild side of zim & wan s' .toldya not to walk toward us ..We were carrying food with us.sarcastically we said to those couple,just break fast laaa.heres our food. daymn arse! ouhk bad Us..shhh

then.went to fetch Hazims' lil sis from sch & went to meet Abu to breakfast @ breeks..He WAS LATE ah! was told to meet at 6.30.daymn he was there at 6.51pm!Uhm..Uhm..ouhkk (tkm ego ah) i was there 6.50pm ,aye aye...but just so you know i gave him the retards-face for being late.hoho.. Ouhk cool uhs! Breeks was packed,even seoul garden.daymn Our last resort was pizza-hut.Ouh shiat uhs,stewpid bugger!! a'ah break-fast almost 7.30 gah! (A angry man is an hungry man) k No!

Finally reach-ed under void-deck....! Wth! Whut a comfy place for dinner* awhhhsome or whut sia. Ouhk,we're cool.Uhm,absolutely tidak kenyang laa!(hmpff)Furthurmore ,spent 14 bucks just on my food.gah! nvmind. then walked to my house.hazim met us under my block & went for tarawih together.i told abu to wear 'kain' ah..without any hesitation ,a firm "no" from him.hah! cerewet or what bro!! i swear he was being daymn irritating today,with his 'naturally kel hand sign when he joke around.' slack-slack-slack after prayers. When besties combine, crappiness will be formed, and attention will be seeked..
wahahahaha..errr,we were interrupted by 3 youngladies. Our judgement was RIGHT! they're from NUS ,3rd year somemore.. They interview-ed us about youth today etc,Uhm when they first approach us,are we the gone case youth? haha! they sat down with us ..its more of chat that interview can? hahahha.one was cute,Ouhk shuddup dude.we joke around with them.. Hey,they joke awesomely.their question,' do you guys think nowadays youth prefer to work than to study' the point is,they're planning of organising an event for youth @ Woodlands. Hazim was amazed to see this cute-lady sitting beside Abu & asking US about youth ..haha! chill ah brother .OUHK ,soo do Abu & Me. lol! who wouldn't want a girl that is V educated,innocent looking & nice

Alermak! result will be released in five hours from now,6am. erghh! stress-time* Another sleepless night


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ouhk! Was supposed to go for religious-class @ 2pm.Pathetically,went JB with family.a'ah daymn!Jam as always.(aku tak bawak Mas Selamat pulang laa)Uhm, Ended shopping there for the upcoming Raya.Lil sis was kinda weird,in a good way.. She wore 'tudung'called scarf . was easy,easy to handle .No-one was giving that 'Nak pikat adik aku' .. thanks ,you've make my day-easy. Aite aite

Went neneks' house to break-fast.Ouhkk! this two lil rascal had a conversation with me.I swear they chatt-ed Lotssa,'Bubbly aye! to the extent that I went lying down on floor while talking cos they were crapping about their kids-stuff. lol! Was entertainable .haha ^^ Anyway left-Nurul Sakinah(4yrs old), right-Shakira(5yrs old)..That girl on the left side,had once talk-ed to sueee on the phone,was interrupted laa.. ho ho XD

Uhm Uhm! Ouhk aku da penat.... goodnight all,cheers!


Saturday, September 13, 2008
Three generation

Ouhk kinda bored at home.Met daddys' old-besty @ Causeway Point.TALK-ED about their past .hoho i know nothing much about my parents past,especially my daddy! ah here are some picx-ies
My Javanese Grandpa & Chinese-mixed grandma when they just got married.Captain Rahman is what they call him.Nurse Esah .. Trust me, my granny speak fluent english. awesome aye ^^
I only knew..My dad was a singer ,TV12? jyeah! Eh,still can sing ah.. cooliosxszxsz! =)
31 December 1990 <3333
Vanity* My mummy was a stewardess... awesome mummy <333

& He was the mat-rempit.Haha! k No. . this picture capture my mums' heart.ehem ehem

A lil rascal was born..foreground ,my momma cermin-mata biggy.
I was born,a rich baby yo.. 50 bucks ain't nothing to me.lol !

I was the first grandson.. the kid that no one could handle.. how rascal i was back then. My dad told me i look exactly like him when he was young,& i was young. Helljyeah! Like father like son. ^^

Uhm,wth! picture shows a thousand words aye. basically thats Me & lil sis(konon lil hoodie)..Uhm shes' boncet..hahah! sorry lil sis but you're cute. Hard to take care of her yknow! even until now ouhk..grrr!


Friday, September 12, 2008

Urgh! I don't understand.Nevermind.its just worthless to come to think of it.Anyway,Knowing that my besties work today & others were schooling.went for friday prayer alone.Furthurmore i need time,alone? yearp!(A peaceful moment) Lately i've change-,keeping to myself.(realise that)Uhm,to the extent that i ignore-ed most of my msn friends.urgh! there's no point having myriad pals.They're not gonna be there for you when you're down.Lucky enough- Abu,Min,Zim's been there for me.thanks guys! ^^

Ouhk right after prayer,abu called me..Proclaim, bored-dead at home.(arh,cabut school somemore)lazyarse kel! Planned & headed to Marina G.V ..watched Babylon A.D ..Before it even started,i got asleep? haha! A'ah,Uhm ouhk most couple sia inside the cinema.daymn! ouhk weird thing here- this malay couple munching hotdog-sandwhich at 5plus aye ? awesome ah! pity their parents..(sabar ye cik) ah ouhk phm mcm aye.

then.headed to foodcourt to break-fast.alermak, crowded with unwanted people! matrep bertempiaran aye..Unappetizing ah! no explaination needed ,didn't eat much.ergh! Next,went to every sports outlet.survey-ed fit shirt. "welcome sir" Uhm,pathetic china salesgirl employed at nike,royal sporting house?!? a'ah aye aye...there's this china lady muke tk mandi pagi-mlm at marina outlet.I asked if the nike fit is discounted already or not."wait ah sir".she go ask the superior.then,she pretend go uhs.seeing us too fixate-ed with the nike fit.she go stand at the entrance like nothing happened.UHM!! we maintain-ed,chortle-ing uhs by her action. IF i were her,i'll be ashamed laaa bowdow(tanam muke dalam-dalam).hah,somehow i'm the one(customer) felt ashamed!! HAH.ouhk listen,even worst she have the guts to say," thank you,come again" Uhhhhh -_-* (diammm)
after that.headed to fullerton for starbuck coffee & chill-ed.crapped much,stress-free aye.
P.S- things left unsaid


Thursday, September 11, 2008
Would you be there

Seems like i'v waited a lifetime, to put myself upon the spot, to show the world just what i got, in my soul, but it was never the right time .No, to step out on the leap of faith.I'm gonna wish apon a star, way out there. Yes i'll go, no matter how far it may seem, it's right here inside my heart. It's been a vision in my mind..waiting for my destiny, when it was waiting there for me all along, i could not find.No, what could fill that void in me, until i looked inside to see who i was. Feeling inside i realized it was me who was blind.

Very next time she will be my friend, someone I can believe in
-I need someone who who will be my friend
-To be with me through thick & thin
-To share my love with me my friend
-I need someone like you


Monday, September 8, 2008

aite aite.Our day was mostly spent at 'O.o Hair Saloon' located at somerset. Basically an indonesian friend of mine,which is a friend of hazim(besty) -is a hairstylist ,Robin.. A simple cut + wash +styling cost 25bucks, however he gave it at 9bucks. Awesome friend yo!

recommended hairstyle! ^^

yeah,officially a friend of Abu already. This 'kel kia'(abu) here had straightening.Ehh, very reasonable price which includes straighten+wash+treatment+trim @ 80bucks.furthurmore town area?!? hoho awesome!

left-Abu,mid-akuwan,right-chico... break-fast with RP dudes @geylang.Uhm,was happening uhs..! wohoo' ^^ Ouhhk seafood cost us almost 80 bucks alright. And soon decided to slack near the cc . roll on floor , smoke (i don't) & crap all night long (gurauan berkasih aye)!!


bring on the thunder

I try to read between the lines